Call for Papers for the 2025 Dossier “Languages and Methodologies in Geographic Education”


The PerCursos journal (FAED/UDESC) will receive and evaluate articles, reviews, interviews, and translations of unpublished articles into Portuguese related to the theme of the dossier “Languages and Methodologies in Geographic Education” until May 31st, 2024.


The proposition of this dossier is to stimulate the debate and reflection on the broad universe of languages and methodologies in which geographic knowledge has been constructed and can contribute to geographic education. During the last decades, forms of expression considered geographic were expanded, and, simultaneously, rapidly developing new sources of information and technologies have emerged. Thus, we can add to the forms of communication that already have a tradition in school geography (e.g., maps, sketches, drawings, graphs, and photographs) other forms and expressions that allow us to rethink their role and possibilities in geographic education and their value as instruments of communication of people with and for the world. In this scenario and in addition to recognizing the diversity of languages that intertwine in the construction of geographic knowledge, specific theoretical-methodological approaches stand out and can guide studies and research in the different territories of Brazil and the world.


From this perspective, the dossier seeks to highlight the use of those forms of language through which geographic knowledge was and can be produced, the different teaching and learning methodologies, and the valorization of geographic knowledge to promote citizenship and knowledge for people. In this way, we welcome the submission of studies that discuss the following themes among many other aspects: the use of different languages in geographic education; geographic reasoning; digital media in geographic education; active methodologies in geographic education; ethnic-racial issues, gender, multiculturalism, social diversity in geographic education; teaching knowledge and the production of knowledge of and in geographic education; theoretical-methodological foundations of geographic education; concepts, contents, knowledges, and practices in geographic education; inclusive geographic education; geographic education and health.

The dossier will be part of the 2025 issue of the journal and edited by Dr. Rosemy da Silva Nascimento (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina - UFSC); Dr. Adilson Tadeu Basquerote (Universidade para o Desenvolvimento do Alto Vale do Itajaí - UNIDAVI); Dr. Sérgio Claudino (Universidade de Lisboa – Ulisboa, Portugal), and Dr. Jörn Seemann (Ball State University, USA).

The submission guidelines are available on the journal's website: