A love for the earth: stories and experiences of the Beira Rio camp


  • Luiz Antonio Feliciano Minas Gerais State University image/svg+xml
  • Carlos Henrique Sabino Caldas Minas Gerais State University image/svg+xml
  • Eliana Aparecida Panarelli
  • Daniela Moreira da Silva
  • Ana Paula Ferreira Lima
  • Rafaela Aparecida do Nascimento




natural resources, environment, video documentary


In general, the project proposed the production of a video-documentary with testimonials of the residents of the Beira Rio Camp, in the city of Fronteira, in the state of Minas Gerais, which would bring an approach to their relations with natural resources and with the land, where the camp is. The learnings in school, the knowledge in everyday experiences, family experience, deterritorializations, among many other factors related to life in the field. It was also specifically aimed at verifying the changes that have occurred in the camp since the arrival of family farming, and the role of this model in the transformations of the site. And, finally, to have an overview of the natural resources used in production, to understand the expectations of residents on the more sustainable use of these resources. The testimonies were recorded, from a guide of questions, to facilitate the post-production process. The recordings made allowed to build a documentary with 34 minutes, which is being shown in schools in the region. Bringing the stories of the campers, and love they show for the land, to other audiences is an effective way to combat prejudice and misinformation on the members of the struggle for land movements. It is believed that the documentary "A love for the land" has fulfilled this function.


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Author Biography

Carlos Henrique Sabino Caldas, Minas Gerais State University

Professor Doutor na Universidade do Estado de Minas Gerais


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How to Cite

FELICIANO, Luiz Antonio; CALDAS, Carlos Henrique Sabino; PANARELLI, Eliana Aparecida; SILVA, Daniela Moreira da; LIMA, Ana Paula Ferreira; NASCIMENTO, Rafaela Aparecida do. A love for the earth: stories and experiences of the Beira Rio camp. Citizenship in Action: Extension and Culture Magazine, Florianópolis, v. 6, n. 2, 2023. DOI: 10.5965/cidea.v6i2.22264. Disponível em: https://www.periodicos.udesc.br/index.php/cidadaniaemacao/article/view/22264. Acesso em: 18 may. 2024.